Historic Walls are a picture

Made a visit to the studio of Brian John Spencer to view a painting of St Columb’s Cathedral, the Walls and Siege Heroes Mound which has been commissioned by the Murray Club to commemorate its 175th Anniversary Year.  Brian is a well known Northern Ireland painter and illustrator, working for commercial and private clients. He is also a member of the Murray Parent Club.

This is very much a work in progress.

The plan is have the final work copied as a fine limited edition signed print, 175 in total: there will be 100 as an A4 print (#76-175), 50 as an A3 print (#26-75), and 25 as original A2 size print (#1-25).

Spent some time chatting with Brian about the painting process and the challenges of capturing a wide perspective of this massively historic and important place in Londonderry.

Once the painting is complete and the prints are in production, we’ll let you know. Meantime if anyone wishes to express an interest in purchasing one of these prints, send a message to the Secretary of the Parent Club or use the contact form on this site.

Meanwhile, left Brian in his studio. Painting.


Greenock Murray’s 60th Anniversary

This is Greenock Murray’s 60th Anniversary Year, the Branch being formally approved by General Committee on the 28th April 1962.

There is a dedicated Club page which hopefully over time will expand on its history.

The Officers and Members of the Murray Parent Club thank Greenock Murray for its service to keeping the memory of the Brave 13 in Scotland, and wish Greenock Murray every success in the future.