Congratulations to Partick Murray Club which celebrates its 120th Anniversary in 2023, the oldest Branch Club in Scotland.
Murray Parent Club President, Gordon McMorris, and the Parent Club Secretary joined Partick Murray’s 120th Anniversary Parade on Saturday 14th January. There was an impressive turnout of Partick Members and other visiting brethren on a cold, sometimes sunny, sometimes wet and often windy, winter afternoon. The Heirs of Cromwell Flute Band was excellent.

Following the parade there was a warm welcome of soup and sandwiches at Crawford Street Hall, and an afternoon of entertainment.
During the afternoon there were a series of presentations. Forty Year Service Jewels were presented to Bros. Jim Mahoney and Andrew Platt (Treasurer), and Thirteen Year Service Jewels to Past President, Bro. Stevie Bryceland, and current President, Bro. Brian Hood.

There were four Members Derry Made on the evening before the Shutting of the Gates in December 2022 who were presented with their Certificates: (left to right) Bros. Michael Holmes, Neil Robbie Robertson, George Bell, Robert Jamieson. Finally, Bro Eric Latham received a Past President Certificate from his successor Bro. Hood.
Terrific start to any year.
Partick Murray keeps the Crimson strong in Glasgow and shows every sign of maintaining a strength of presence for many years ahead.