335th Annual Commemoration of the Shutting of the Gates

On the evening before the Commemoration the regular meeting of the Parent Club included the Initiation of twenty-four candidates, including nine to be the core of the proposed Club in Corby, six from our oldest Club, Partick and others from Donemana, Newtownstewart, Manorcunningham and Greenock. It was a tremendous end to a year of exceptional numbers being Derry Made into the Murray Club.

Australia Murray had recalled the 335th Annual Commemoration of the Shutting of the Gates earlier in the day, in Adelaide, which included the installation of a new Officer team. All the very best to the Club as it continues to establish itself, consolidating and growing, keeping alive the memory of the Brave 13 on the far side of the world.

There was a huge turnout of Apprentice Boys for the Annual Commemoration In Londonderry, reflecting a year of outstanding growth for the Association across all Clubs.

The Service of Thanksgiving in St. Columb’s Cathedral was packed, and with many standing at the back.  A wreath was laid on the Siege Heroes Mound. The day ended with the burning of Lundy, with the Mitchelburne Club have the honour to keep the traditions of the Association for this year.

The link to the gallery of images is here.

Australia Murray man Derry Made

A fourth member of Murray Australia was Made in 2023 at the regular meeting of the Parent Club in October. It has been very encouraging to see the steady flow of Members from Australia taking the opportunity to be Made while visiting in Northern Ireland or making the trip especially. Joseph Lynd, from Cairns, was visiting family in Northern Ireland and it was great to be able to show him around and to be part of his Initiation.


334th Anniversary of the Relief of Derry

The Relief of Derry Commemorations on the 12th August was an exceptional day with an impressive turnout from Members.

The celebration of the 334th Anniversary of the Relief of Londonderry started on the other side of the world with the meeting of Australia Murray in Sydney, New South Wales, a little earlier this year, 29th July, with some travelling to be with us in Northern Ireland. At the special initiation meeting on the Friday evening before the big day, we had one Member made from Australia, accompanied by two Australian Brothers. Luke Williams was one of a dozen who were Derry Made that evening.

The newly Made were able to enjoy the main Commemorations on Saturday 12th. Ballinran Flute Band lead General Committee, while once again we had the Robert Graham Memorial Flute Band, from Crawfordsburn in its 50thAnniversary Year, lead the Murray Parent Club.

The link to the image Gallery is here

Liverpool Clubs’ Parade, Southport.

The day started with sunshine and ended with a torrential downpour. Luckily, it did not rain on the Liverpool Parade. A good turnout of our Clubs in the Liverpool area, with Members on parade from Liverpool Murray, SAMS Murray and Bootle Murray, as well as members from nearby Lancashire & Cheshire Murray.

With this Parade so close to the SAC Rally, football in Scotland leading Police Scotland to insist on an ‘out of season’ event, numbers in recent years have been less than in the past. Good to see numbers improve and hoping that that small increase is repeated in years to come. Southport was welcoming and a good day for all.

SAC Rally, Dunfermline.

Back in Scotland and the SAC Rally offered the opportunity to meet with each of our four Scottish Branch Clubs on the day. It was a glorious June day, and an excellent turnout in the Kingdom of Fife.

Service of Reflection and Remembering

Organised by General Committee many Parent Club Members attended a Service in St Columb’s Cathedral on the afternoon of 26th March to reflect on Members and family of members who died during Covid and perhaps hadn’t had the Service that would have been usual. The collection at the Service was dedicated to Medical Research, and after discussion with the Research wing of Altnagelvin Hospital a cheque for £1000 was handed to the Respiratory Research team in June.

Remembering Gordon Hill.

On the morning of our Annual Initiation Day started, the Murray Club along with Churchhill LOL 871 joined together to remember Bro. Gordon Hill. Gordon died at the end of 2021 and had no family. He is buried at Ballyoan Cemetery. The Club and Lodge together commissioned a Memorial Stone, so that the grave would not be unmarked and the Brother remembered appropriately. A brief reading and prayer were said and a wreath laid in Memory of a good Brother.

Annual Initiation Day 2023

A big change in 2023 with the Murray Club joining with the Apprentice Boys of Derry Parent Club and the Baker Parent Club for a joint initiation Day on the last Saturday of May.

It was a worthwhile change, evident from the very large numbers walking from Bond Street to the Memorial Hall. There were so many candidates for Initiation there had to be two meetings, one for the much larger ABOD Club and another jointly for the Baker and Murray Clubs. On the day around eighty were Made across all the Clubs, nineteen for the Murray. Tremendous turnout and a positive indication of a significant bounce back after Covid.

Enrolment of new Members into SAMS Liverpool Branch

An approach to the Parent Club Secretary early in 2023 led to a Special Meeting of SAMS Liverpool Branch in Corby in mid-May to enrol eight members who would be a core part of establishing a new Murray Club in Corby. There had been a No Surrender Club back in the 1980s, but it dissolved and issues still rumble. The mostly young coterie who wished to make a new start in Corby decided on Murray as the future Parent Club. Since May, others in the Corby area have transferred into the Parent Club. Wishing SAMS and its Corby members all the best as they work towards a new Charter for a Murray Corby Branch Club sometime in 2024.