The 331st Annual Commemoration of the Relief of Derry

The 331st Annual Commemoration of the Relief of Derry was held on 8 August 2020. Sadly the colour and spectacle of thousands of Apprentice Boys with banners and bands wasn’t to be. A respectful honouring of the traditions of the Associated Clubs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry, within government guidelines of thirty participants, meant a rather different occasion than to what Members of the Apprentice Boys of Derry would be familiar.

Below are a series of videos recording small parts of the 2020 Commemorative events. At the bottom of the page is a link to a Gallery of photographs for the 331st Anniversary of the Relief of Derry.

Walking the Walls, passing Walker’s Plinth:

At the end of Walking the Walls, by First Derry Presbyterian Church:

Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial, The Diamond:

Returning to the Memorial Hall at the end of the morning’s events: 

Click on this link to go to the Gallery for photographs of the 331st Annual Commemoration of the Relief of Derry, 8 August 2020. 

Fountain of Life

William Temple is long time member of the Murray Club in Londonderry. His life is the City, but specifically The Fountain. When in better health he gave guided tours on the history and significant aspects of this small area just outside the historic Walls.

His recently book “Fountain of Life” is a beautiful expression The Fountain, complimenting and explaining the social, economic and political history of the Fountain area during the 20th century, and inspired a series of paintings hanging in The Thiepval Gallery.

The book was due to be launched in March, but then the pandemic! The Newgate Fringe has stood in and launched the book on Tuesday 4th August 2020 as part of its events this week – more on the New Gate Arts Facebook page.

Copies can be bought at the Siege Museum, Society Street. The book can be delivered locally in Londonderry also – contact by phone or text 07858 108 285.  Books to be posted further afield can be ordered through the Bob Harte Memorial Trust via email – AT –  and the books are priced at £10.00 each (plus £3.50 for delivery within the UK).

Good to have, and perfect as a gift.

Helping in difficult times

In online Zoom meetings we have heard many stories of how our Clubs have keep in touch with their members these past few months. Facebook, WhatsApp and technology generally has been an essential part of ensuring contact is maintained and support is made available where required.

A good example of this activity comes from our Greenock Branch Club. Around ninety percent of Members are part of a WhatsApp group, and over recent months the rest were telephoned or visited to keep in touch with everyone.

Greenock Murray also made efforts to ensure that it supported the local community. The Club decided to donate funds to local health centres, particularly those who would normally rely on donations.

The President, Bro. Aitken, and Vice President, Bro. Lamont presented a £200 donation to the Ardgowan Hospice in Greenock. Some members made the presentation of £200 to the Cowal Hospice in Dunoon; one of the members having been a patient there on remission a few years past.

Finally, a £200 donation was presented by to the Sir Gabriel Woods Mariners’ Home in Greenock where the father of one of Greenock Murray’ members has been a resident for 15 years.

Great to see how Murray Clubs have risen to the challenges and made a difference to so many by helping those who might otherwise have been alone or unsupported in these difficult times, to Members and others within the wider community.

Meeting, virtually

The Murray Parent Club has been using Zoom to hold Officer meetings while we are unable to meet physically in the Apprentice Boys Memorial Hall. As a Parent Club we decided to host a Murray Clubs’ meeting for Presidents and Secretaries to reach out to all our Clubs.

Our first Clubs’ Meeting via Zoom was very successful, with 16 taking part in total –  a good number for a first outing. Good too to representatives from Clubs in Northern Ireland, Scotland, England. Our newest Club, in Australia, joined us with a late night link up  – where our 1pm meeting, Londonderry time, was 10pm in Sydney.

It was hugely encouraging that whether on Zoom or WhatsApp or Facebook or just phoning around, Clubs are keeping in touch with their members. Also proud that Clubs are helping and supporting the most vulnerable in their Clubs, and in the wider community where Murray Clubs have been collaborating with other Orders and community groups to ensure essential supplies are delivered to where need is greatest. 

Looking forward, this won’t be the last time our Clubs meet in a virtual room.