Greenock Murray

More information on Greenock Murray on this link.

In April 1962 General Committee approved the opening of the Murray Club’s Greenock Branch Club.

The founding Members were:

John Evans, Thomas Dorrance, Louis McGregor, John Smyth, James Campbell, Andrew Evans, Hugh Elder, Archibald Brown, Peter Watters, Robert Hemphill, Archie Mc Pherson, Thomas Finlay, David Boyd.

Sadly no founder member is still alive.

The first meeting was held in a hall at the Rankin Park in Greenock. Later meetings moved to Britannia Orange Halls, were the Club meets today, and is a strong working Club within the Murray Club and the wider Association. 

The Club has been an active member within the Scottish Amalgamated Committee, and Greenock Murray’s Thomas Porteous had the honour of being Chairman of the Amalgamated for five years to the end of 2021.

2020-2021 through the Covid pandemic the Club was active in donating to a number of local charities to support their work in challenging times.

Unable to attend any Service or Memorial to remember the life and service of Past President Andrew Potter, who died suddenly as the first Covid restrictions were enacted, the Club placed a bench in the Wellpark in Greenock in his memory.

Bro. George Aitken was the President of Greenock Murray in its 60th Anniversary Year, backed by a strong Committee and solid membership.